-Scroll.in The court refused to order a CBI inquiry into connivance of officials in the Rs 60,000 crore scam, but directed the setting up of an expert committee. The Supreme Court on Wednesday said mining companies that had been operating without necessary clearances in Odisha would be subject to a 100% penalty on the price of the ore that had been illegally extracted. The court also said that the government’s policy...
Bengal's rice revivalists -Indrajit Sen
-Mumbai Mirror A behind the scenes look at what’s driving the region’s return to traditional paddy techniques. It’s certainly not the global shift towards organic cultivation. A recent study conducted by Harvard University has established that consuming just one cup of white rice (polished rice) a day can put you at risk of diabetes, regardless of your nationality or whether you have a family history of the disease. Bhairav Saini lives in...
More »Tomato prices soar to Rs. 100/kg in Delhi-NCR on short supply
-PTI New Delhi: Tomato prices have risen to around Rs. 100 per kg in the national capital market as supplies from major producing states have been disrupted because of heavy rains. Mother Dairy is selling tomatoes at Rs. 96 per kg here through its 300 retail stores ‘Safal’, while online grocery platforms like Big Basket and Grofers are offering this key vegetable at nearly Rs. 100 per kg. Local vendors are selling tomatoes...
More »In value terms, the country produces more dung as compared to beef or pork
A recent one-liner about the achievement of the present Central government goes like this: bovine has become ‘divine’ during the NDA’s rule. But why do such jokes originate? Media reports suggest that unprecedented aggression has taken place during the recent months in the name of the peaceful looking animal – cow. Mob lynching and killings by fringe groups have been reported from various parts of the country, especially targeting Muslims and...
More »Noida: Private school in Sector 100 starts midday meal scheme for students -Sohil Sehran
-Hindustan Times The management of TRS School came up with the initiative on Thursday and named it ‘Ganga Maa Ki Rasoi’. The school also launched two other schemes — computer education for the deprived section and a free stitching training centre for women. In a first-of-its-kind initiative, a private school in Sector 100, which has over 200 underprivileged children enrolled with it, launched a midday meal scheme for the students and...
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