-The Times of India Prem Das Rai, an MP from Sikkim, knew that development indicators from his state were exceptional. But his office didn't know how to showcase them. He reached out to Swaniti, a Delhi-based not-for-profit organization that has been working "consulting style" with parliamentarians. Their portal called Jigyasa aims to answer questions like Rai's. Rwitwika Bhattacharya, Swaniti's founder-CEO, was surprised at what they uncovered. "I always thought that the...
Unchanging destinies of the poor-Harsh Mander
-Live Mint The Musahar communities of eastern UP and Bihar have been unable to escape the trap of desperate poverty India has been conspicuously less successful than many other emerging economies in the scale, speed and depth of its reversal of poverty. But many scholars say that whatever one's measures of poverty, young people on an average have better educational and economic prospects today than those of their parents and grandparents. They...
More »Bhagat Puran Singh farm shows way to organic farming -Usmeet Kaur
-The Hindustan Times Amritsar (Punjab): There is a unique sense of sereneness and tranquility that prevails over the Bhagat Puran Singh farm, run by All India Pingalwara Charitable Society (AIPCS), around 20 km from here. There are ten women and seven other workers, who are busy handling various jobs in pin-drop silence. All you can hear is the birds chirping, calf bawls, cow moos and cat meows. The courteous staff at the...
More »India saw 50,000 maternal deaths in 2013-Nikita Mehta
-Live Mint India had the highest number of maternal deaths according to the latest UN report New Delhi: India had the highest number of maternal deaths, accounting for almost a fifth of the global total in 2013, according to the latest UN report. In 2013, maternal deaths in India stood at 50,000, or 17% of such deaths across the world, the report said. Global maternal mortality has, however, dropped 45% in 2013 compared...
More »Chasing the Certificate That Enables
-Economic and Political Weekly Disabled citizens face a traumatic time procuring the crucial disability certificate. Among the tasks that fill most Indians with dread is the act of procuring the all-important identity and eligibility documents so dear to the Indian bureaucracy. Imagine the plight of disabled citizens for whom getting a disability certificate that officially recognises their disability and medically ranks it in percentage terms has long been a nightmarish experience. Yet,...
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