-The Telegraph The finance ministry has decided to shave Rs 3,000 crore, or about nine per cent, off the rural job guarantee scheme's budget allocation, government sources told The Telegraph. The move comes at a time the NDA government has been trying to assuage the fears of the Opposition and social activists that it plans to dilute the programme, introduced by the UPA government. This year's budget allocation for the programme was Rs...
Billing for wallet shock -Digbijay Mishra
-Business Standard Indian and other generic drug firms face prospect of US legislature debating compensation for undue price rises Indian generic drug makers might, if a proposed US law comes about, need to pay a rebate to the federal Medicaid programme there when prices of their medications outpace inflation. A Bill is to be introduced in the US Senate by a member, aimed to cushion the impact on taxpayers in this manner...
More »Left over on the table -Ajay Jakhar
-The Indian Express India seems relieved, having convinced the United States to advocate on its behalf at the WTO regarding the issues arising from its food security programmes, while food-exporting nations are rejoicing at New Delhi signing on the dotted line without insisting on a reduction of farm support in developed countries. As we defend public procurement and stock holding, they will be looking at opportunities to export to India high-value...
More »WTO battle brews as members charge India with under-stating farm sops -Amiti Sen
-The Hindu Business Line Question use of US dollar to notify subsidies, low-income/resource-poor tag for all farmers India has yet another fight on its hands at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over food subsidies. Many developed nations are now questioning the agriculture subsidies notified by India, charging that the country may have under-stated the actual figures. India's decision to notify the subsidies in US dollars rather than the rupee is particularly under the...
More »Moderate inflation is a passing phase: Economists -Ishan Bakshi
-Business Standard A monsoon deficit is likely to affect the agriculture output, which could have an impact on the food inflation The sharp fall in inflation over the past few months has raised the clamour for interest rate cuts. With the Consumer Price Index (CPI) falling to 5.5 per cent in October from 6.5 per cent a month ago, which is below the central bank's target of six per cent by January...
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