-Down to Earth With only 58 per cent rainfall this season, Maharashtra is likely to face one of the worst agrarian crises ever As the fear of drought looms large over India, Beed district in Maharashtra’s Marathwada region is gearing up to face one of its worst agrarian crises this year. Matters have come to such a pass that the residents of Gangamasla village in the district have threatened self-immolation to protest against...
New Health Policy and Chronic Disease: Analysis of Data and Evidence -Subrata Mukherjee, Anoshua Chaudhuri, and Anamitra Barik
-Economic and Political Weekly The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has made public the National Health Policy 2015 Draft for discussion. The draft is more exhaustive and better organised in its coverage compared to the National Health Policy of 2002. It touches upon contemporary issues of concern, including the rapid emergence of chronic non-communicable diseases. From the latest available evidence, issues crucial to tackling chronic illness in India are discussed. Subrata...
More »Limited access to pesticides reduced suicides in Tamil Nadu villages: WHO report -Jitendra
-Down to Earth In rural India, poisoning accounts for four in 10 suicides due to swallowing of pesticides A World Health Organization (WHO) case study carried out in two Tamil Nadu villages shows the link between limited access to pesticides and the reduction in the number of suicides. A WHO report based on the study says that the suicide rate in these two villages reduced after pesticides were kept in storerooms instead...
More »India no country for old men, Switzerland the best: Report -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India LONDON: India has emerged as among the worst places in the world to grow old. The country has ranked 71 among 96 countries -much lower than most of its Southeast ASIan neighbours -in the Global Age Watch Index by Britain's University of Southampton and Help Age International. It scored lowest in healthcare for the elderly. An average 60-year-old in India is expected to live only 12.6 years in good...
More »Lessons from drought in Marathwada
-Livemint.com Water availability has not deteriorated only because of the poor monsoon Amartya Sen showed in his seminal work on famines that mass starvation is not necessarily the result of inadequate food supply. He opened up new areas of inquiry that focussed on what have come to be known as entitlement failures. Sen has famously argued that human mistakes forced people into starvation in Bengal in 1943 even though food production in...
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