-PTI The apex court asked the CBI director to constitute a team of officers to investigate the cases of extra-judicial killing in Manipur. The Supreme Court on Friday directed a probe by the CBI into the alleged extra-judicial killings by the Army, the Assam Rifles and the Manipur Police in the insurgency—hit State. A Bench of Justices M.B. Lokur and U.U. Lalit asked the CBI director to appoint a team of officers to...
Centre gets a taste of 'fake news' on GST
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Narendra Modi dispensation, which has used social media as a force multiplier and reaped huge political dividends, is now having to reckon with its rumour-spreading powers that threaten to throw a spanner in the government's GST blitz. In the first three days of the rollout of the new tax regime, the finance ministry has had to step in twice to counter rumours that were spreading like wildfire...
More »Muslim Personal Laws Most Progressive of All Communities: Legal Luminaries at Kolkata Seminar
-CaravanDaily.com Advocate Flavia Agnes, who has written extensively on women’s issues said that the court ban on triple talaq will prove ineffective as Muslim men may then start deserting their wives. She also accused the media of ignorance over the subject and suggested that they were playing into the hands of vested interests by only highlighting certain kind of reports related to Muslim women. KOLKATA: “Among all personal laws, I regard Muslim...
More »Aadhaar-PAN linkage meant to plug tax leaks, says SC -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu We as citizens are like that... we don’t want to pay taxes, shame on us: Justice Sikri Slamming a tendency in the country to evade taxes, the Supreme Court referred to the mandatory linking of Aadhaar to the Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Income Tax returns as an instance of the government’s efforts to bring “new and new laws to stop leakages.” “When tax evasions are there, the government will try...
More »NREGA dilution finger at Centre
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Activists and researchers today accused the Centre of systematically curtailing the 100-day rural job scheme by not releasing funds for the payment of beneficiaries, diluting norms to avoid giving compensation and cancelling cards of genuine job-seekers. They said payments to around 10 crore poor workers were getting delayed because of the lack of funds. The Union rural development ministry denied the charges. At a news conference, Nikhil Dey of the...
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