-Hindustan Times According to the Delhi Police, while the blockades were being removed, there was still no confirmation on when exactly the movement of vehicles may resume. The process of removing blockades put up along the Tikri border on the Delhi side was reportedly underway to resume vehicular movement. The border has remained blocked for almost a year now since farmers launched their protest in the area against three centrally passed agri...
Yogendra Yadav suspended by SKM, Punjab-based farmers’ unions pressed the demand -Amit Bhardwaj
-IndiaToday.in The Samyukta Kisan Morcha has suspended Yogendra Yadav for one month for meeting the family members of the BJP workers who were killed during the Lakhimpur violence. On Thursday, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) — the apex body of farmers’ organisations opposing the three farm Laws — suspended social activist Yogendra Yadav from the farmers’ body for one month. WHY WAS YOGENDRA YADAV SUSPENDED? The demand for Yadav’s suspension was pressed by several...
More »"Chalo Delhi": Farmers Renew Protest Call Before Supreme Court Order -Mohammad Ghazali
-NDTV.com Earlier this month, the Supreme Court had said it would examine whether farmers have the right to take to the streets when the issue at the core of their protest - the three new farm Laws - is in court. Chandigarh: Farmer groups protesting the new central laws near Delhi have called in for reinforcements ahead of a key Supreme Court hearing this week that may mean the end of their...
More »Stable, long-term policies can turn the tide -A Amarender Reddy
-The Tribune A major hurdle to increasing exports is the decades-long neglect of export market infrastructure, which doesn’t meet the importing countries’ standards in terms of quality, quantity and other attributes such as food safety norms. India lacks an export-oriented strategy for agricultural commodities to establish itself as a regular supplier to international markets due to ad hoc measures such as a ban on exports or increase in tariffs off and...
More »Recent Statements by the Chief Minister of Haryana Amount to Incitement of Violence, Grounds for Dismissal From Office -Yashashwini Santuka
-Newsclick.in In light of the recent statements made by the Chief Minister of Haryana calling for the farmers protesting against the three farm Laws to be met with violence. In an address to volunteers on October 3, 2021, the Chief Minister of Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar reportedly said, “Pick up sticks and fight those furious farmers. We will see everything. If you stay in jail for two-four months, you will become a...
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