-The Indian Express The auditor also pointed out that there was no provision in the scheme for purchase of laptop bags and mugs. Chandigarh: Finding loopholes in the implementation of Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao (BBBP) campaign launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) found diversion of funds meant for the campaign in Panipat district. According to CAG’s latest report, over Rs 3 lakh were spent on “preparation”...
Holes in the security net -Anindita Adhikari & Inayat Anaita Sabhikhi
-The Indian Express Demonetisation shows India’s social welfare measures like MGNREGS to be worryingly patchy Following the announcement of demonetisation, reports of its devastating impact on informal sector workers, farmers and migrants began to pour in from across the country. Seeking evidence on two questions — do social security measures work in the face of such an economic shock, and do these programmes themselves face disruption because of demonetisation — we conducted...
More »Budget unmindful of income inequality -MA Oommen
-The Hindu Business Line It should have considered universal basic income. But sadly, budgets are not seen as a means to meet socio-economic goals The Union Budget attracts considerable media hype and debate. Democracy, if understood as a contract between the state and its citizens, may have to use the budgetary process to ensure not only prosperity for all, but justice or fairness to the most disadvantaged among them as well. A rational...
More »Budget and agri-commodity trading: Searching for a spot in the future -Pravesh Sharma & Raghav Raghunathan
-The Indian Express Integration of spot and derivatives markets for farm produce via e-NAM can be a potential game-changer There isn’t much from the recent Union Budget as far as new ideas for agriculture goes, yet it sends out a couple of signals suggesting the Narendra Modi government’s intent to integrate farmers better with the markets. One such signal is the proposal to come out with a ‘model law’ on contract farming for...
More »Farming goes to seed -Jayshree Sengupta
-The Tribune Demonetisation didn’t overly impact the sector, but devitalisation is a concern THERE has been a lot of speculation about the extent of damage due to demonetisation on agriculture. Small farmers suffered most because cash in hand means a lot to them. They were unable to pay for inputs like fertilisers, seeds and farm labour and experienced low demand for their perishable produce. The latest data from government’s agricultural ministry however...
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