-The Hindu The Centre notified the mid-day meals rules on Thursday, making running quality tests and sticking to Nutritional standards mandatory. The State governments will be held accountable for non-delivery of service. The exhaustive guidelines to be followed by the States come days after 80 children fell ill after being served milk in a school in Agra. If a school fails to serve food to students for three consecutive school days or five...
Children's Development: Baby Steps in Odisha -Reetika Khera
-Economic and Political Weekly The Integrated Child Development Services scheme and maternity entitlements can play a crucial role in improving children's food and Nutrition security. Both interventions are part of the National Food Security Act, though maternity entitlements have yet to be activated. Odisha has experimented with several creative policies, including initiating a maternity entitlements scheme in 2011 before the NFSA was enacted, introduction of eggs and decentralised procurement of take-home...
More »Rethinking conditional maternal entitlements -Vanita Leah Falcao and Jasmeet Khanuja
-Livemint.com There is a need to evaluate whether implementing a cash transfer programme has become the end On 4 September, the ministry of women and child development (MWCD) was issued a notice by the Supreme Court questioning its failure to implement the maternal cash entitlement guaranteed in the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA). Section 4 of the NFSA entitles all pregnant and lactating women to Rs. 6,000, if they are...
More »Dr. Jayati Ghosh, professor at JNU, interviewed by The Hindu
-The Hindu The AP government should keep the MoUs (with investors) in the public domain. Let there be a debate on the MoUs -- Jayati Ghosh, economist VIJAYAWADA: Noted economist Jayati Ghosh does not agree that civil society has been indifferent to the problems presented to farmers due to the land acquisition tactics adopted by the State Government in gathering land for its capital city project. The academic, who headed a commission that investigated...
More »How 32 Youth Groups Are Fighting Hunger in Rural West Bengal -Ajitha Menon
-TheBetterIndia.com Youngsters in 32 villages of Ghoshergram and Jhunjkagram panchayats in Bankura district of West Bengal have formed groups that spread awareness on issues related to health, education and development in amazing ways. Kshama Mondal, 19, of Housibad village, which falls under Jhunjka gram panchayat in Chhatna block of Bankura district, West Bengal, enjoys learning new facts related to the food and Nutritional needs of her people and then putting this...
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