-PTI Taxmen have seized black money to the tune of a whopping Rs 30,000 crore in the country in the past two years, said the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) which is set to get investigative powers to boost its drive against wrong-doers. The CBDT is in the process of creating a Directorate of Criminal Investigation after getting approval from finance minister Pranab Mukherjee last week. CBDT chairman Sudhir Chandra said...
Undernutrition, poverty & NREGS by Raghbendra Jha, Raghav Gaiha & Manoj K Pandey
In the hue and cry over minimum wages under NREGS, battle lines have been drawn between those who favour central government hiking minimum wage rates to the state minimum, and others asserting that the two must be delinked. While the former invoke 'a right to livelihood', the latter point to the NREGS being 'the employer of the last resort and the imperative of better targeting'. While these views have some merit,...
More »NPCIL to reach out to TISS students on Jaitapur issue
-The Times of India After Union environment minister Jairam Ramesh faced agitating students at Tata Institute of Social Sciences protesting against the clearance to the Jaitapur nuclear power plant, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India has promised to make a presentation to the faculty and students at the Mumbai campus. NPCIL has also set up a committee under the head of the Bombay Natural History Society to study the marine ecology...
More »Survey on AYUSH
-The Hindu For the first time, the Union government will carry out a survey on the use and acceptability of the alternative systems of medicine and employ the results for effective planning of a road map for Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) has agreed to include some questions, in its Consumer Expenditure Schedule for the 68th annual round of socio-economic surveys, for collecting...
More »More than 1 billion tons of food lost or wasted every year, UN-backed report finds
About a third of all the food produced for human consumption each year – or roughly 1.3 billion tons – is lost or wasted, according to a new study commissioned by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The study, compiled by the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology and unveiled today, finds that food waste is more of a problem in rich countries and food loss during production is...
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