-The Hindu But State-wise data on testing and positivity rates shows that the picture is not uniform Weeks after registering a sudden bump in cases and leading the world in daily case load, the number of new COVID-19 cases in India has shown a consistent dip in the past week — from a seven-day rolling average of 3.92 lakh as on May 8 to 3.41 lakh on May 15. There was also...
Uttar Pradesh: Rains Expose Mass Shallow Graves Along the Ganga as COVID-19 Rages
-TheWire.in More than 900 dead bodies have reportedly been buried along the river in Unnao alone last week. New Delhi: The devastating second wave of the coronavirus pandemic is slowly turning into a horror story in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. Days after Bihar’s Buxar district authorities said that at least 71 bodies of suspected COVID-19 victims from the neighbouring eastern UP were washed ashore at the banks of the river Ganga...
More »In Delhi, number of COVID funerals overshoot official death toll -Jatin Anand
-The Hindu Over 4,500 fatalities do not find mention in the Delhi government records. Over 4,500 people, who lost their lives in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, have slipped through the cracks of Delhi government death records over the last 24 days. A dovetailing of funerals with government death toll statistics between April 18 and May 11 throws up a cumulative discrepancy of 4,783; the figures varied every day with the...
More »'To Tackle COVID In Rural India, Enable At-Home Care, Involve Panchayats, NGOs' -Govindraj Ethiraj
-IndiaSpend.com The best way to arrest the COVID surge in India's villages is to rebuild people's trust in public systems, encourage home care and use simple technologies, say experts Mumbai: The number of COVID-19 cases in India is now slowing down a bit, with around 350,000 cases and fewer than 4,200 deaths every day. We know by now that on both numbers, there is considerable under-counting. The number of cases at a national...
More »Govt records contradict own claims on ‘effective’ distribution of foreign COVID-19 aid -Shreegireesh Jalihal
-TheNewsMinute.com The Union government has been blamed for sitting on a pile of essential medical tools such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators while daily thousands of COVID-19 patients hustled for oxygen cylinders and hundreds died gasping for breath. Days after the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) stated that COVID-19 relief aid was being distributed effectively in response to concerns raised by media reports, The Reporters’ Collective has found that...
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