-The Times of India In a brazen bid to hoodwink the National Human Rights Commission, the Bihar Police headquarters has sat on a DIG's inquiry report on alleged violation of human rights by a district SP and instead forwarded to it an IG's opinion on the report, trashing the DIG's findings that policemen tortured prisoners inside Bettiah jail on the night of May 29-30, 2009. Ironically, the DIG's report was...
Delay in monsoon may spell doom for farmers by Nidhi Nath Srinivas
So it's not going to be a normal monsoon . That's hardly surprising. Indian rainfall is erratic in four out of 10 years. About 80% of our land mass is highly vulnerable to drought, floods and cyclones. 50 million Indians are exposed to drought every year. The agriculture ministry says 68% of India's sown area is subject to drought in varying degrees. Annual average rainfall is 1,160 mm. However, 85% of...
More »Nikhil Dey Co-convener, NCPRI interviewed by Kunal Majumder
The government says the CBI was taken out of RTI purview as it gathers intelligence and safeguards our economic security. Doesn’t the RTI already have provisions against giving out sensitive information? Section 8(1) of the RTI Act gives all the protection these agencies need. If the CBI does not want to reveal certain aspects of their investigation, they can do so as guided by the RTI Act. There are provisions made...
More »Creating enabling environments by Kalpana Kannabiran
The denial of equality, dignity and autonomy to persons with disabilities lies at the core of disability rights. “Disability need not be an obstacle to success … It is my hope that … this century will mark a turning point for inclusion of people with disabilities in the lives of their societies.” — Professor Stephen Hawking, “Foreword,” World Report on Disability. The inauguration of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of...
More »The New Geopolitics of Food by Lester R Brown
From the Middle East to Madagascar, high prices are spawning land grabs and ousting dictators. Welcome to the 21st-century food wars. In the United States, when world wheat prices rise by 75 percent, as they have over the last year, it means the difference between a $2 loaf of bread and a loaf costing maybe $2.10. If, however, you live in New Delhi, those skyrocketing costs really matter: A doubling in...
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