-The Telegraph Kerala surpassed other states in access to good healthcare, nutrition and quality education New Delhi: A report on child well-being in India rated Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh as the best states. The report released last week covered most of the major aspects of child well-being, health, nutrition, education and protection. The India Child Well-Being report by World Vision India, a humanitarian organisation, and IFMR LEAD, a non-profit research organisation,...
Every third Indian policeman finds mob lynchings a 'natural' response to cow slaughter
-Scroll.in/ IndiaSpend A new survey reveals the biases among India’s police forces. Every third Indian police person thinks it is natural “to a large extent” or “somewhat” &NDAsh; for a mob to punish culprits when there is a case of cow slaughter, a new survey has revealed. These data correlate with the findings of a FactChecker.in database that tracks such violence: police had charged victims in 28% of 133 cow-related attacks since...
More »Growth of eight core sectors at 2.1% in July, down from 7.3% last year: Govt data
-The Indian Express The eight core sector industries - coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertiliser, steel, cement and electricity - had expanded by 7.3 per cent in July last year. During April-July, the eight sectors grew by 3 per cent compared to 5.9 per cent in the same period the previous year. Growth of eight core industries slowed down to 2.1 per cent in July as against 7.3 per cent...
More »'Population Explosion': The myth that refuses to go -Sarojini Nadimpally
-TheWire.in Even more dangerously, demographically driven population regulation measures, ignore women's rights over their own bodies. The spectre of population control has emerged to haunt us yet again. The Prime Minister of India, in his Independence Day speech on the August 15, expressed concern about “population explosion creating various problems for the coming generations” and complemented those who “follow the policy of the small family” as contributing to the development of...
More »What the data tells us: Are Muslims responsible for India's 'population explosion'? Not quite -Ali Mehdi
-The Times of India blog The Prime Minister expressed concern about ‘population explosion’ in his Independence Day speech, and referred to those with small families as patriotic, ‘responsible citizens’. Last month, BJP MP Rakesh Sinha introduced the Population Regulation Bill, 2019, in the Rajya Sabha. He later claimed that his Bill was not aimed at any religion, caste or community. Regardless, the Shiv Sena targeted a section of the Muslims for...
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