Taking exception to Anna Hazare's praise for Narendra Modi, senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh on Wednesday said the Gujarat Chief Minister had not even appointed a Lokayukta despite being in power for seven years. "I respect Anna Hazare a lot for taking up the fight against corruption. But he has praised a chief minister who has been in power for seven years but has not even appointed a Lokayukta to deal...
Congress, BJP spar over Lokayukta appointment by Manas Dasgupta
Hazare invited to launch a Delhi-type agitation in Gujarat Modhvadia enumerates more than dozen cases of alleged corrupt practices Vyas blame it on non-co-operation by Leader of the Opposition The Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Gujarat have blamed each other for the non-appointment of a Lokayukta. While State Congress president Arjun Modhvadia “invited” social activist Anna Hazare to launch a Delhi-type agitation in Gujarat and called upon people to launch an...
More »Politics vs populism by Sanjaya Baru
India needs sustainable political and governance reform, not 'Mr India'-type prime-time populism Anna Hazare got his timing right, as Kumar Ketkar, a distinguished journalist from Mumbai, put it. Considering this was obviously planned as a television-based mobilisation of middle-class India, pitching it between the cricket World Cup and the Indian Premier League series was perfect timing. Even as Mr Hazare fasted, a large number of his supporters joined him between meals,...
More »Our Tahrir Square by TN Ninan
To say that no one has elected Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal and the rest to speak for ordinary citizens is to say the obvious. The mostly middle-class people and the chatteratti (film stars, celebrity cops and so on) who have rallied to Mr Hazare’s cause remind one of the people who held hands and lit candles after the November 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai, saying, “Enough is enough”. TV stations...
More »The politics of migration by Sushanta Talukdar
For 55-year-old Mohimuddin of Goroimari, which falls in the Chaygaon Assembly constituency in lower Assam's Kamrup district, the protection of minorities from undue harassment in the name of identification of foreigners was the prime issue until a few years ago. This time round, he is more worried about the backwardness of his village coupled with price hike. A poor peasant with seven mouths to feed, Mohimuddin says the prime demand of...
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