In a shocking incident in Rajasthan, three Dalits were fined Rs 45 thousand by a Panchayat for daring to drink water from a public tap. A case has now been registered against the accused. These Dalits have been discriminated against not just by the upper castes, but also by Muslims. The three of them from Randhisar village near Bikaner were fined Rs 15,000 each by their Muslim sarpanch Gope Khan. Their...
‘Mirchpur Dalits facing threat'
Former MLA and Haryana Vanchit Varg Sangharsh Samiti president Roshan Lal Arya on Sunday urged upon Congress president Sonia Gandhi to issue directions to the Haryana Government to take special measures for the protection of Dalits and non-Jats of Mirchpur village in Hisar district, “who are being pressurised by the Jat community”. In a statement, Mr. Arya alleged that non-Jats in Haryana were “facing threats” as the State Government was...
More »Dalits fined for fighting over water with Muslims by Guddi Vyas
The upper castes, it seems, are not the only ones who discriminate against Dalits. Three Dalit men in Rajasthan were fined R15,000 each by their Muslim sarpanch (village headman) for drinking water from a public tap on Wednesday evening in Randhisar village, 90 km from Bikaner town in the northwestern part of the state. The trio, Beer Balram Meghwal, Sattu Ram and Nandu Ram, has lodged a police complaint. “We were drinking...
More »Dalit proves point on horseback by Rao Jaswant Singh
It was an unusual day at Rajasthan University on Thursday when a dalit student, Raj Tepan, came on horseback with his supporters and musical band following him up to the vice chancellor's office. Reason: Dalit students wanted to prove that the derogatory remarks made by their 'guru' P D Sharma, who said Dalits are not entitled to ride horses, were absurd. The professor has since apologized for the remark, but not...
More »Fence blocks road to Dalit colony by R Arivanantham
An approach road to a Dalit colony in Ittikkal Agaram village, 15 km from Krishnagiri, has been blocked with a barbed wire fence by a section of people. According to the people in the colony, the fence was erected by the locals with the support of the ‘Ooor Goundar' (Village Leader). The Communist Party of India (Marxist) is planning to engage in direct action to remove the fence, party MLA S. K....
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