-IBN In a major setback for the Uttar Pradesh government, the Allahabad High Court on Friday cancelled the land acquisition of three villages in Greater Noida. The land acquisition of Asadallapur, Devla and Saberi villages were cancelled by the court. As per the order, the farmers who have already taken the compensation, can return the amount and claim back their land. The farmers in the remaining 37 villages, where planning has already taken place,...
Much More Needed to Help the Poor by Jayati Ghosh
Today is the ''International Day for the Eradication of Poverty'', so it an appropriate day to note how necessary it still is to emphasise this concern among Indian policy makers. Sadly, lack of official awareness is evident in all sorts of recent policy measures, for example in the cynicism of increasing oil prices that feed into all other prices with cascading effects, even when inflation has already imposed huge burdens on...
More »Left out on poverty line, Selja protests by Sobhana K
The controversy over the Rs 32-a-day poverty line ceiling appears to have kicked off a minor storm in Congress corridors, with one minister upset that a colleague had hogged the limelight. Kumari Selja, the minister for Housing and urban poverty alleviation, has accused the Planning Commission of ignoring her ministry during the controversy while Jairam Ramesh, her colleague in the rural development ministry, had appeared at a media conference called by...
More »Climate Solutions Need Strong Decision-Making by Kanya D'Almeida
The year 2010 endured 950 natural disasters, 90 percent of which were weather-related and cost the global community well over 130 billion dollars. From wildfires in Brazil to record rainfall in the United States to the severe drought and famine in the Horn of Africa, it has become clear to many that quick and radical decisions need to be made about the world's future. One of the biggest advocates of this position...
More »Potential Vaccine Halves Malaria Risk for Children by Elizabeth Whitman
In a major breakthrough Tuesday, researchers announced that the vaccine candidate RTS,S reduces the risk of malaria by half in children ages five to 17 months, first results from a continuing phase three trial showed. The results have tremendous implications, as malaria is responsible for nearly 800,000 deaths annually. The disease kills one child every 45 seconds in Africa, where it accounts for approximately 20 percent of childhood deaths, according to...
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