-The Hindu The farmers were marching to Delhi from Haridwar. Delhi police on Tuesday fired Water cannons and teargas shells at protesting farmers as they tried to break barricades put up to stop them at the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border. The Delhi police had issued week-long prohibitory orders under section 144 on Monday, in anticipation of the Kisan Kranti Padyatra organised by the Bharatiya Kisan Union, arriving from Haridwar. The rally was expected to make...
Kerala's rice bowl is submerged. But for its farmers, paddy is still everything -Shwetha E George
-The Hindu ‘Water hasn’t even receded from my yard yet. How can we start farming in October?’ On either side of the Alappuzha-Changanassery road is a vast expanse of Water with an odd canoe bobbing about, or a precariously leaning electrical pole. But these are not the backWaters. I am in Kuttanad, the rice bowl of Kerala, but there is not a paddy crop in sight. Farmers in this area have for generations...
More »Parts of Maharashtra face drought as monsoons near end -Shiv Kumar
-The Tribune Mumbai: Parts of Maharashtra are facing drought-like situation due to scanty rainfall in around 18 districts of the state, according to state government officials. All the affected districts lie in the politically sensitive Marathwada and Vidarbha regions and the Devendra Fadnavis government is coming under pressure to undertake drought-relief work right away. There is a major shortage of drinking Water across Marathwada and people are dependent on tankers even for their...
More »Shailaja Fennell, university senior lecturer at the University of Cambridge, interviewed by Deepanwita Gita Niyogi (Down to Earth)
-Down to Earth Shailaja Fennell, an expert in gender and household dynamics in agriculture, talks to Down To Earth about millet production in India As India witnesses the central government launch a campaign to promote nutri cereals, Down To Earth talks to an expert about the relevance of millets, its cultural significance and its benefits for women. Shailaja Fennell, university senior lecturer in development studies at the department of land economy in...
More »Eastern UP's forest dwellers are finally on the revenue map -Omar Rashid
-The Hindu Vantangiyas, who derive their name from a Burmese tradition of hill cultivation, have lived in tin shacks without toilets for decades Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh): There is no proper road to Jungle Tinkonia-3. As its name suggests, one must pass a woodland of sal and teak trees to reach it. The situation gets even more precarious during monsoons and medical emergencies, as the village does not have any health centre. Its infrastructure is...
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