In further embarrassment to former Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan, Income Tax authorities on Saturday said they have unearthed black money in possession of three of his relatives during their investigation into allegations of amassment of wealth by them. "As far as Justice Balakrishnan is concerned, I cannot say anything. But as far as his relatives-- two sons-in-law and brother are concerned, we have found there is black money", director...
Government agency under scanner for child labour
Even as the government make efforts to prohibit child labour, an Uttar Pradesh government-owned urban development agency itself has come under scanner for hiring minors for whitewashing and cleaning work at a housing project. Several children, aged below 14 years, were Tuesday seen sprucing up the Kanshi Ram Awas Yojna - a housing scheme for economically weaker sections of the society - in Kalindikunj town. The renovation of the Kanshi Ram Awas...
More »Draft food bill near completion,to cover 70% population: Thomas
The government today said the draft Food Security Bill, which entitles nearly two-thirds of the population to subsidised foodgrains, was almost ready. The Bill will legally entitle up to 70% of population to subsidised foodgrains as against the NAC's proposal to cover 75%. "We are going to introduce the Food Security Bill, almost 65-70% of the population are going to get the benefit," Food Minister K V Thomas said at the National...
More »Natural farming catching up in Sri Lanka
The zero-budget natural farming propounded by Subash Palekar has reached Sri Lanka. The natural farming technique that is fast-catching up with the farmers in South India has been taken up by farmers in the neighbouring nation. Sharath Fernando from Sri Lanka, who partook in a meet of farmers from South Asia at Bangalore, said the Sri Lankan government is supporting the initiative. According to him, farmers in his homeland are facing...
More »State to submit report to MoEF on Posco before month-end
The Orissa government will submit its report to the Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) on the issue of compliance with Forest Rights Act at the Posco site before the end of this month. “We will definitely submit the report to the MoEF before the end of this month. The SC & ST department has already reviewed the report which is currently under the scrutiny of the state forest &...
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