-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday doubled the cash reward of Rs five lakh to Rs 10 lakh for information on the murder of RTI activist Shehla Masood, who was shot dead outside her house in Bhopal on August 16, 2011. Though the agency had registered a case against unnamed persons on September 3, 2011, it increased the reward money since the motive behind the murder...
India leads the world in recognising the right to food, says Joseph Stiglitz by Ananya Dutta
Pointing out that nearly one out of seven Americans face food insecurity, Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz said here on Thursday that by recognising the right to food as a basic human right, India is leading the way for the rest of the world. “India has recognised the right to food as a basic human right, leading the way for the rest of the world, and is on the verge of a...
More »Food security: Delivering the promise efficiently by Ashok Gulati, Jyoti Gujral & T Nanda Kumar
To banish hunger and malnutrition from the country, Parliament is likely to pass the National Food Security Bill (NFSB). In our earlier article on this issue, Can we Afford Rs 6-Lakh-Cr Food Subsidy Bill in 3 Yrs? (ET, December 17, 2011), we concentrated on the likely financial implication that we estimated at roughly Rs 6,00,000 crore over a period of three years. In this piece, we address the operational challenges...
More »India 'shamed' by child malnutrition, says PM Singh
-BBC Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has branded malnutrition among children a "national shame", after a report said nearly half of children under five in the country were underweight. According to the report, 42% of children in that age bracket are suffering from malnutrition. Mr Singh said the level of malnutrition in India was "unacceptably high". The Hunger and Malnutrition Report also said that one in three malnourished children in the world is Indian. India...
More »42 pc underweight children, a national shame: PM
-PTI Highlighting that 42 per cent children were underweight in a country witnessing high growth, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today described it as a national shame and said the government could not rely solely on ICDS, a programme for early childhood development, to address it. "...The problem of malnutrition is a matter of national shame. Despite impressive growth in our GDP, the level of under-nutrition in the country is unacceptably high," he...
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