-The Times of India The AP High Court was pulled up by the Central Information Commission (CIC) for its failure to adhere to the RTI Act. Nine other high courts besides AP's have been given three months time to get their act right. The CIC was reacting to a complaint filed by Hyderabad-based RTI activist C J Karira and Mani Ram Sharma of Rajasthan between December 2009 and March 2010. The complainants...
Salman Rushdie visit, a twist in the UP poll plot
-The Hindustan Times The Darul-Uloom Deoband’s demand to ban the entry of writer Salman Rushdie into the country took a political turn in Uttar Pradesh on Monday. With an eye on the 17% Muslim electorate in the state, leaders of most parties quickly took poll position. But leaders of the ruling BSP were unavailable for comment. Rushdie, who earned the wrath of Muslims worldwide for his book The Satanic Verses, is scheduled to...
More »Rs. 46.94 cr ‘misappropriated’ in MNREG, says AP Rural Dev. minister
-PTI A social audit of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MNREG) programme in Andhra Pradesh has established that a total of Rs 109 crore were “deviated” since it launch. Of the amount, Rs 46.94 crore were found to have been “misappropriated”, according to the state Minister for Rural Development, Dokka Mankiya Varaprasad. “Of the misappropriated sum, we have so far recovered Rs 17.5 crore,” the minister told reporters after releasing the 2012...
More »The sorrow of Majuli by Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty
River Brahmaputra has eaten more than half of Asia's largest riverine island Majuli over the last 60 years. With land disappearing, there is progressive loss of the traditional means of livelihood of its people, leading to their displacement. Some lately are migrating even as far away as Andhra Pradesh, finds out Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty after a visit. Farmer Sridhar Bora stops mid-way as he brings down his axe on a tree...
More »SBI to use BCs for farm loan recovery
-The Business Standard Achieves total financial inclusion in Andhra Pradesh. State Bank of India (SBI) is planning to use the rural banking correspondent (BC) network for farm loan recoveries in addition to the services prescribed under the financial inclusion plan by the Reserve Bank of India. The SBI’s Hyderabad circle with operational jurisdiction extending to the entire state of Andhra Pradesh is one of the first to achieve total financial inclusion. It has...
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