-The Hindu Most of the victims were travelling on two Himachal Pradesh roadways buses Shimla: At least 46 people have been killed and many more injured in a massive landslip at Kotrupi on the Mandi-Pathankot National Highway near Jogindernagar in Himachal Pradesh on Sunday morning. Two Himachal Pradesh roadways buses and some light vehicles were buried, when the disaster struck around 1 a.m. The vehicles were halting for a break at a place...
Plough or lease land, Karnataka tells farmers -ManuAiyappa Kanathanda
-The Times of India BENGALURU (Karnataka): If you own a piece of agriculture land and haven't bothered to take up cultivation for the past two years or so, either get a plough in or just lease it out to farming contractors. The Karnataka government has begun identifying fallow lands and issuing notices to farmers and land owners asking them to either take up cultivation or give such lands on contract, in tune...
More »Crop diversification: When farmers' incentives clash with policymakers goals -Anju Agnihotri Chaba
-The Indian Express The Punjab government has sought to bring 5 lh area in the state under maize, as part of the original plan of reducing paddy area by 12 lh between 2012-13 and 2017-18. Jalandhar: For policymakers wanting to wean away Punjab farmers from water-guzzling paddy, 1.35 lakh hectares (lh) area sown under maize this kharif season may not seem bad, even if it is way below the 29.11 lh...
More »A strange hybrid -Sujatha Rao
-The Indian Express Niti Aayog proposal for privatising public hospitals is ill-designed, driven by ideology more than welfare The corporate hospitals have been resting their gaze on public hospitals for long: Land, doctors and patients. Finally, in the Niti Aayog, they have found a sympathetic collaborator. As per media reports, the Aayog is all set to push states to privatise well functioning district hospitals in the Tier 2 and 3...
More »A gathering crisis: the need for groundwater regulation -Philippe Cullet
-The Hindu A new regulatory regime for groundwater, that provides for equitable use, is urgently needed The water crisis India faces is of such a magnitude that urgent measures are necessary to address it. Yet, while the crisis is often discussed, law and policy measures to address it remain insufficient. This is partly due to the fact that the primary source of domestic water and irrigation is groundwater but the media and...
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