Supporters who hit the streets are from all walks of life The response to Team Anna's protest in Mumbai was lukewarm on Tuesday, compared to the popular support it received in New Delhi earlier. Though members of India Against Corruption claimed that 30,000 people visited the MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Authority) ground in the Bandra-Kurla Complex here, it did not look more than 3,000. There was a spurt in the number of...
RTE headache for budget schools in slums by Sugandha Pathak
The 25 per cent admission quota for children from poor families in Right to Education Act (RTE) has thrown up an avoidable headache for budget private schools in underprivileged areas. Managements of such schools say the regulation is not required as far as they are concerned. Budget private schools are low-cost private schools providing education to children from slums and rural areas. “We welcome the RTE Act; I think it should have happened...
More »Training programme for PRIs concludes
-The Times of India Non-payment of wages in time under MGNREGA, rampant corruption at different levels, effectiveness of e-Shakti project, assistance for development from Finance Commission, non-issuance of identity cards to the PRI's elected representatives, formation of sub-committees in panchayats and use of Right to Information were some of the issues that cropped up during the five-day training programme for the office bearers of the three-tier panchayati raj institutions (PRIs) held...
More »What’s Ailing RTI? by Shonali Ghosal
THE MERE suggestion of any amendment to the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, sends civil society into a tizzy. Perhaps this level of anxiety is necessary to protect the common man’s most important tool to hold the government accountable. But what if the RTI is dying, not because of government intervention but negligence? The pendency of complaints and appeals in several states is on the rise, while the number of...
More »Black money trail: Govt may move against HSBC, Rs 80 cr mopped up by Ritu Sarin
The Government is contemplating legal action against HSBC Bank for what is being described as the “active’’ role of their executives in persuading Indian account-holders to open accounts to park undeclared money in their branch in Geneva. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has sought the opinion of the Law Ministry for this and underlined that a similar course of action has been taken by other countries who, like India,...
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