-The Hindu Tamil Nadu tops with inducements worth ₹446.28 crore recovered. The Election Commission on Friday said it had seized cash, liquor, drugs, precious metals and other freebies worth ₹1,001.43 crore meant for distribution to voters in the ongoing Assembly elections. “Seizures crossed ₹1,000 crore for the first time in any Assembly electoral process,” the EC said in a statement. Of the total seizures as on Thursday in Assam, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West...
On ‘refugees’ and ‘illegal immigrants’, how India’s stance changes with circumstances
-The Indian Express India has welcomed refugees in the past, and on date, nearly 300,000 people here are categorised as refugees. But India is not a signatory to the 1951 UN Convention or the 1967 Protocol. Nor does India have a refugee policy or a refugee law of its own. Last week, the Supreme Court appeared to accept the Centre’s contention that the Rohingya people in India are illegal immigrants when it...
More »India to have normal monsoon this year -Vibha Sharma
-The Tribune Punjab, Haryana may witness rain deficit New Delhi: For 2021, private forecaster Skymet Weather has predicted “normal” monsoon rains for the country at 103 per cent (907 mm) of the Long Period Average (LPA) rains this year. The rains will be “normal”, ending in the upper half of the normal range, the spread being 96-104% of LPA, said Skymet president GP Sharma. The prediction comes with an error margin of 5...
More »Born in the pandemic, these libraries in Bengal run with meagre resources but get people reading -Rohan Datta
-Scroll.in One of them is in Kolkata, and the other, in a village. Both were set up to keep schoolchildren amidst books. The distance between the posh neighbourhood of Patuli in Kolkata and the dusty meandering roads of Ashina village is over 50 kilometres. The villagers of Ashina most likely have never seen the towering housing complexes near the Satyajit Ray Park in Patuli. Similarly, most of the residents of Patuli may...
More »Create a sustainable pathway for farmers -Baldev Singh Dhillon and Kamal Vatta
-The Tribune While attracting private capital investments in production, processing and marketing of high-value agriculture, the associated adverse socio-economic implications must be avoided. Last year, Parliament enacted the Farmers’ (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020. It is supposed to empower farmers to get engaged with upgraded value chain partners in a fair, transparent, mutually agreeable and remunerative manner to enhance their income by reducing marketing risks....
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