-The Hindu Property empire was built on soft loans handed out in unusual circumstances, documents show In February, as rumours of the ambitions of Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law swirled amidst the heat and dust of the election campaign in Uttar Pradesh, her daughter Priyanka moved to scotch speculation about Robert Vadra’s possible political future. “He’s a successful businessman,” the younger Ms. Gandhi said of her husband, “who is not interested in changing...
Politics aside, is Gujarat a great growth story?-Bibek Debroy
-The Economic Times A new book by Bibek Debroy on Gujarat looks at how this much-talked about state has performed in economic terms. The author argues history, luck and administrative clarity have been the determining factors. There has been a discernible pickup in Gujarat's growth performance since the 10th Plan (2002-07), the five-year Plans being natural periods for breaking up the timeline. It's tempting to argue that there is nothing exceptional in...
More »Supreme Court to examine validity of FDI notification -J Venkatesan
-The Hindu Seeks A-G’s assistance in clarifying issues raised by PIL The Supreme Court will examine the validity of the notification the Centre issued on September 20 of its decision to allow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail. On Friday, a Bench of Justices R.M. Lodha and Anil R. Dave, without issuing notice, sought Attorney-General G.E. Vahanvati’s assistance in clarifying certain issues, and directed advocate M.L. Sharma, who has challenged the...
More »Five points on the future of nuclear power in India -Rahul Siddharthan
-The Hindu In response to my recent article in The Hindu, “The real questions from Kudankulam” (edit page, September 14, 2012), supporting nuclear power and arguing for an independent regulatory authority, I received much feedback, largely positive, some critical; some of which deserves a response. Many of these points have been made by others, repeatedly, but some are new to me. 1) Independent oversight: Two credible people said that I was too...
More »Let’s not overrate foreign investment -Pulapre Balakrishnan
-The Hindu The government’s claim that it will dampen inflation, bring higher prices for farmers and lower prices for customers may be somewhat exaggerated With the intention of signalling a strong commitment to reforms, the UPA government has announced a hike in the price of diesel and liberalisation of foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail, justifying the measures as growth-enhancing and inflation-dampening. They have been termed bold by India’s corporate sector...
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