The Centre has asked Maharashtra to “drop” its case against Ilina Sen, the wife of jailed rights activist Binayak Sen, a central government official said today. Ilina was booked for allegedly not informing police about foreign delegates’ participation at a conference organised by the Indian Association for Women’s Studies (IAWS) and the Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Vishwavidyalaya (MGAV) at Wardha in January. The ATS Nagpur unit had noted in an FIR that Form...
The Green Turns Grey by Anuradha Raman
The environment minister promised much, but his flip-flops of late raise concern Mr Compromised * Vedanta In ’09, Jairam said no to mining. Now says yes to refinery expansion though water is scarce. * Polavaram dam Gives forest clearance, then seeks explanation * Posco Under litigation as the ministry says yes to forest clearance for iron ore/steel plant * Lavasa township Ministry report says ecologically sensitive Ghats will be affected....
More »Navigators Of Change by Lola Nayar
As government, corporates seek to engage with NGOs, they gain new significance Brave NGO World? * The Planning Commission is courting NGOs for policy inputs, views on how to make plans work * NGOs and local activism forced govt to stall Vedanta, Posco plans * NGO opposition to snacks being served in schools changed plans to scrap hot meals * NGO have made the government rethink the Polavaram dam project ...
More »“Withdraw FIR against Ilina Sen”
The Indian Association for Women's Studies (IAWS) has demanded immediate withdrawal of the First Information Report (FIR) lodged against Ilina Sen, professor and wife of human rights activist Binayak Sen, by the Nagpur Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) at Sewagram in district Wardha on January 24. In an open letter to Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Thursday, the IAWS protested against the FIR and alleged that the Nagpur ATS had launched a...
More »High Price for India’s Information Law by Lydia Polgreen
Amit Jethwa had just left his lawyer’s office after discussing a lawsuit he had filed to stop an illicit limestone quarry with ties to powerful local politicians. That is when the assassins struck, speeding out of the darkness on a roaring motorbike, pistols blazing. He died on the spot, blood pouring from his mouth and nose. He was 38. Mr. Jethwa was one of millions of Indians who had embraced...
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