-The Times of India Chief Justice of India (CJI) SH Kapadia on Saturday said the Supreme Court might have overstretched the human rights jurisprudence to include right to sleep in the bouquet of fundamental rights, as enforcing such a right would be very difficult. The CJI, who was delivering a lecture, also seemed critical of the civil society activists for questioning the authority of Parliament to make laws and by draping themselves...
Managed care -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline Health activists say the health chapter of the Twelfth Plan document exaggerates the role of the private sector in providing health care. The draft chapter on health for the Twelfth Five Year Plan document not only is grossly inadequate in its approach but exaggerates to unrealistic levels the role of the private sector in providing health care. It invokes the concept of universal health care (UHC), but, critics say, it...
More »NAC meeting tomorrow to discuss National Health Mission-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Government plans to roll out 12th Plan The National Advisory Council (NAC) is meeting here on Friday to sort out differences between the Planning Commission and the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare over the proposed National Health Mission. The Government plans to roll out the 12th Plan. The implementation of the Universal Health Coverage, as recommended by the High Level Expert Group, will also be discussed. The Planning Commission wants...
More »Now, CAG focuses on lax nuclear safety- Pradeep Thakur
-The Economic Times In case of a nuclear accident in India at present, the maximum fine that can be imposed by the regulator on an offending nuclear plant is Rs 500. A CAG report on Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), tabled in Parliament on Wednesday, has raised concern about the weak regulatory framework in the country that could pose potential Danger like Chernobyl or the recent accident in Fukushima, Japan. Worse, the AERB,...
More »Hate messages: absence of cyber security policy hits govt’s efforts -Shubham Shivang & Sahil Makkar
-Live Mint India’s biggest crackdown on websites and blogs hosting hate messages was hobbled by the absence of a policy on cyber security, escalating panic and resulting in an exodus of people belonging to north-eastern states from several cities. The government initially identified 245 such websites, but could block only 207 of them, saying it couldn’t shut out the other 38 because of technical difficulties. It has identified and is in the...
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