-TheWire.in India’s midday meal scheme (MDMS) reaches more than 11 crore children across 12 lakh government schools around the country. Based on a Supreme Court order in 2001, states introduced a cooked meal in schools – replacing the earlier system of monthly “dry rations”. Despite many achievements, the scheme tends to make headlines for the wrong reasons. A recent audit report by the CAG found a number of implementation gaps, including...
Data in doubt -Divya Trivedi
-Frontline The NCRB data used to justify the new law bringing down the age of responsibility for criminal action are open to interpretation. Often the same data can be interpreted in different ways to arrive at contrary conclusions. Portions of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data have been quoted ad nauseam by the government and the media alike to justify the changes made in the juvenile justice law. Experts from the...
More »Think different on infrastructure
-The Hindu When the going gets tough, public Investment must be stepped up to pump-prime a slow-moving economy facing uncertain headwinds of low commodity prices and faltering international trade. When the going is good, the private sector would also have a role to play, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has said, vowing to ramp up infrastructure Investments in 2016-17. Ten months ago, in his first Budget for a full financial year, Mr....
More »Green safeguards yield higher economic returns -Vinod Thomas
-The Hindu For growth to go forward, it must be environmentally and socially concordant. The launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and agreements in Paris finally signalled the realisation that we can no longer achieve our economic ambitions by endangering the environment and society. But even as countries agreed on the need to nurture sustainability, it has come under fire from the mistaken notion that doing so will slow the pace...
More »Drought tests Madhya Pradesh irrigation drive -Shashikant Trivedi
-Business Standard Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh): For Kamlesh Patidar, a marginal farmer in Somiya village, this financial year has been no ordinary drought. In 2008, he had surrendered some of his land to the state government for a small dam in his village. The dam was completed in 2012 to irrigate 754 hectares. Now Patidar is trying to save his garlic crop by using piped water from the other side of the...
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