-The Hindu Bal Swaraj said they included children aged between zero and 17 orphaned or abandoned during the pandemic since March 2020. Bal Swaraj, an online tracking portal of a national child rights body, shows details of nearly 10,000 children in the country in immediate need of care and protection. They include children aged between zero and 17 orphaned or abandoned during the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. The National Commission for Protection...
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Agriculture in Rural India: Observations from Indian Villages -Tapas Singh Modak and Soham Bhattacharya
-Review of Agrarian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, January-June, 2021 This note analyses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the production and cost of cultivation of crops grown in the monsoon (kharif) season. The note is based on a survey of 164 informants from 26 villages across 13 States of India. The survey, conducted by the Foundation for Agrarian Studies (FAS) between mid-September and mid-October, 2020, was based on telephone...
More »Why India Needs Village-Level Data To Target Malnutrition In Children -Archita Raghu
-IndiaSpend.com Where are nutrition programmes failing and why? To accurately understand this and for ideas on how to efficiently target the crisis of malnutrition among Indian children, it is necessary to collect and use data from villages, says a new study Mumbai: India must incorporate village-level data in its policies on child malnutrition to target beneficiaries and their specific needs more effectively, says a new study that analysed data across 597,121 census...
More »1.75 crore vaccine doses available with States, says Health Ministry
-The Hindu States urged to increase near-to-home vaccination centres. More than 1.75 crore COVID vaccine doses are still available with the States and Union Territories, the Health Ministry claimed in a release on Monday, adding that more than 2.73 lakh (2,73,970) vaccine doses are in the pipeline and will be received by the States and Union Territories within the next three days. “The Central government has so far provided, both through the free...
More »Bihar to provide monthly Rs.1,500 to children orphaned by COVID-19 -Amarnath Tewary
-The Hindu They will be housed in State child care centres, says Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Patna: The Bihar government on Sunday said it would provide Rs.1,500 each month to those children who have lost their parents to COVID-19 in the State. The children will get the financial assistance till the age of 18 and will be housed in State child care centres. “Those children who have lost their both parents or, at...
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