-PTI/ The Hindu SIT has assured that details of those giving information will not be revealed besides informers will be given due rewards. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case on Tuesday released pictures of six people standing near an SUV, which was set ablaze during the October 3 incident. It has assured that details of those giving information will not be revealed besides informers will be given due...
Targetted killings of minorities and non-locals spark migrant flight from J&K
-PTI/ The Hindu Selective killings have triggered a fear psychosis among the workers Thousands of migrant workers fleeing Kashmir along with their families queued up outside ticket counters of railway stations and bus stops in Jammu on Tuesday as targeted killing of minorities and non-locals by terrorists triggered an exodus from the Valley. The security in and around the railway stations and bus stands in Jammu and Udhampur has been beefed up as...
More »India fares poorly in global ranking of pension systems
-The Hindu Business Line Iceland tops Mercer study on retirement income systems Old age security is a big worry for Indians as income at retirement is far from adequate for most people. Now, a global study done by Mercer Consulting validates this fear as it reveals that the Indian pension system ranks a lowly 40 in a comparative index of 43 systems. The primary objective of this annual survey by the global management...
More »Indian agri waste recycling project wins Prince William’s Earthshot Prize
-PTI/ The Hindu Vidyut Mohan led Takachar was named the winner of the GBP 1 million prize for its cheap technology innovation to convert crop residues into sellable bio-products in the “clean our air” category A Delhi-based entrepreneur’s agricultural waste recycling project was named among the winners of Prince William’s inaugural Earthshot Prize, dubbed the “Eco Oscars”, at a gala ceremony in London on October 17 evening. Vidyut Mohan led Takachar was named...
More »Alarming hunger or statistical artefact? -Sunny Jose and Md Zakaria Siddiqui
-The Hindu The low rank on the Global Hunger Index should push India to look again at its policies and interventions This year’s Global Hunger Index (GHI) did not go down well with the government. This was expected given that it ranks India 101 out of 116 countries for which reliable and comparable data exist. To add insult to injury, the GHI puts India far below some of its neighbouring countries. Barring...
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