Polling for the second phase of panchayat elections began in Jharkhand on Monday morning amid tight security arrangements, an official in Ranchi said. The elections began at 7 am and voters were seen queueing at the polling booths despite the boycott call by Maoists. More than 700 companies ofparamilitary troopers and state police have been deployed and three helicopters are doing air surveillance to ensure peaceful polling, the official said.In...
Social barriers keep the disabled away from workforce
Persons with disabilities are the last identity group to enter the workforce, not because their disability comes in the way of their functioning, but because of social and practical barriers that prevent them from joining work, a study on the ‘Employment Rights of Disabled Women in India' carried out by the Society for Disability and Rehabilitation of the National Commission for Women (NCW) has said.The barriers include lack of proper...
More »CAG slams 25 top Delhi's private schools by Akshaya Mukul
Delhi's private schools had complained that they were reeling under the burden of having to pay teachers higher salaries recommended by the 6th Pay Commission. A report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), however, said they used the Pay Commission as an alibi to fatten themselves. In a damning indictment, the auditor held that 25 elite private schools passed on the burden of implementing the recommendations of the 6th Pay...
More »Government jobs elude persons with disabilities
Though persons with disabilities are entitled to at least 3 per cent jobs in the government sector, they account for barely 3,650 of the estimated 5.25 lakh State government employees. Nearly 15 years after Parliament passed the Persons with Disabilities Act (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) providing 3 per cent Reservation in jobs, persons with disabilities continue to struggle for their rights and livelihood. Posts not identified “A majority of...
More »Beginning of the End
Manual scavenging persists, but community and political mobilisation of workers has initiated change. Only those who are in denial are surprised by the continued existence in India of casteism and inhuman practices associated with stigmatisation, despite institutions of the state decreeing their abolition. But progress has been made in fits and starts, and agency – in the form of community and political mobilisation – has played a role in their slow...
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