Former chief justice of India KG Balakrishnan on Friday said the Right To Information (RTI) Act "was grossly misused" and needed amending to prevent the misuse. "It is time for introspection on the five-year-old RTI Act. It is grossly misused. Most of the applicants are applying the RTI not for public good, but for misuse," Balakrishnan said at a seminar on "RTI-Key to good governance", organised by the Institute of Secretariat...
‘Take MGNREGS to beneficiaries’
MP H Vishwanath expressing disappointment over the slow progress of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in the district, asked the officials to work in co-ordination with each other to ensure that the Scheme reaches as many beneficiaries as possible. Addressing the District Vigilance Committee meet on Tuesday, he said that the programmes are made by the Government for the people. All the programmes will fall meaningless if it...
More »Vigilance hunt on for Bokaro teacher scamster by Shashank Shekhar
Vigilance officers probing misappropriation of over Rs 2 crore from funds meant to build schools in Bokaro district today revealed how a schoolteacher siphoned off money and kept his opponents at bay by threatening them with punishment postings in Naxalite-hit areas. DSPs Narendra Singh, Jayant Kumar, Dhaneshwar Ram and inspectors Shashi Bhushan and Tej Narain, who arrived here from Ranchi two days ago following a high court censure over the tardy...
More »Moily flays RTI activists’ killings, corrupt babus
In an apparent reference to former Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) Pratyush Sinha’s recent comment regarding his “thankless” job, Union Law and Justice Minister M Veerappa Moily on Monday said senior officers weren’t expected to make such statements. Sinha had observed at an interview last week that the worst part of his “thankless” job was observing how corruption had increased as people became more materialistic. “I don’t want to name anyone, he...
More »“Make Lokpal, Lokayukta apex, independent agencies” by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Citizens group urges Manmohan to pass Lokpal Bill CVC just an advisory body; it has no power to ask CBI to initiate inquiries Situation worse at State-level; Lokayuktas have to seek government permission A group of concerned citizens, including Karnataka Lokayukta Santosh Hegde, the former Chief Election Commissioner, J.M. Lyngdoh, and the former Central Vigilance Commissioner, P. Shankar, has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, urging him to take measures to pass a...
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