-PTI At present, UIDAI has issued 56 crore Aadhaar cards to residents against the mandated 60 crore so far The government is likely to allow on Thursday the Unique identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to start enrolments in areas other than the 18 states and Union Territories allocated to it for the purpose. According to an official source, the Cabinet Committee on UIDAI will discuss the proposal of the Planning Commission to allow...
Cabinet to consider expanding UIDAI’s mandate in four states -Mahendra Singh
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Unfazed by the controversies surrounding issuing of Aadhaar numbers, the Union Cabinet is expected to consider on Thursday a proposal to expand the Nandan Nilekani-led Unique Identification Authority of India's (UIDAI) mandate in four states that were covered under home ministry's National Population Register (NPR). The move seems to be aimed at accelerating UPA's ambitious scheme so that the Congress-led government's direct benefit transfer can be...
More »Sharp fall in recruitment of minorities in central govt services -Bharti Jain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Recruitment of minorities in central government services fell from 11.56% of total hires in 2010-11 to just 6.89% in 2012-13, according to data collected from nearly 70 Union ministries and departments. The government, which released the data in reply to a Parliament question on Thursday, has blamed the falling recruitment levels of minority candidates, which depends on the number of applications received and percentage of qualifying...
More »India Briefs EU About Violence Perpetrated by Naxals
-Outlook India today briefed the European Union about the violence perpetrated by Naxals and urged it to ensure that the rebels do not get support from the organisations based in its member countries. In a meeting, the Ministry of External Affairs sensitised EU representatives about the violence being carried out by CPI (Maoist), which killed more than 8,100 people since 2001. The move came after CPI(Maoist) had recently thanked more than two dozen...
More »CBI can’t act as a police force, Gauhati high court rules -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In a startling decision which has ramifications for sensitive cases, the Gauhati high court has ruled that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was legally not a police force and stripped it of its powers to investigate crimes, arrest suspects and file charge-sheets. The ministry of home affairs (MHA) had, by a resolution dated April 1, 1963, constituted the CBI as a police force under the...
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