On February 18, 2016, India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. After its launch, the PMFBY was implemented by 21 states during kharif 2016, whereas in rabi 2016-17, 23 states and 2 UTs implemented the same. The Central Government launched the PMFBY in the kharif season of 2016 with the intention to help farmers cope with crop losses because of unseasonal and extreme weather....
Evidence (2004–20) on Holistic Benefits of Organic and Natural Farming in India: CSE
-Centre for Science and Environment India has one of the highest arable land areas in the world1 with a net sown area of 140.1 million hectares (ha).2 Agriculture and allied sectors employ 54.6 per cent of the total workforce in India (2019–20).3 The country successfully adopted the Green Revolution in the 1960s—an input and chemical-intensive agriculture model—to overcome food scarcity by use of high yield varieties, pesticides, fertilizers, and agriculture machinery...
More »Aruna Roy, social activist and founder of the MKSS. interviewed by Sneha Philip and Smarinita Shetty (IDR)
-IDROnline.org/ TheWire.in "The problem with Indian democracy is that despite the presence of millions of voters, the pool of decision makers get smaller and narrower at the top." Aruna Roy is a social activist and founder of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS). Her work and leadership led to the enactment of the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005—a landmark act that empowers citizens to demand transparency and accountability from government institutions....
More »Waterlogging: 4,000 farmers demand crop loss relief -Ravinder Saini
-The Tribune 1,800 complaints received in Rohtak I 1,150 in Jhajjar I 1,050 in Rewari district Rohtak: Around 4,000 farmers in Rohtak, Jhajjar and Rewari districts have sought compensation under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojana (PMFBY) for the loss to their wheat and mustard crop due to waterlogging caused by rain this month. They have filed applications with the local offices of the Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Department in this respect. As per...
More »Mapping disaster
-The Telegraph There is no escaping climate crisis, but concerted efforts may ensure loss of life is minimum The Sunderbans in West Bengal, along with several districts in Odisha and Tamil Nadu, are the most vulnerable to high storm surges induced by cyclones, according to the Climate Hazards and Vulnerability Atlas of India released by the ministry of earth sciences recently. The atlas aims to help mitigate the effects of the 13...
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