The Calcutta high court upheld the singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act on Wednesday, saying that it was within the powers of West Bengal’s legislators to impose such a law, rejecting the challenge by Tata Motors Ltd over the seizure of land that was meant for its Nano factory. Justice I.P. Mukerji said in the judgement, however, that the Hooghly “district officials have exceeded their powers in taking possession of the...
2G spectrum scam: Curiously transparent PMO by CL Manoj
There can be two ways of looking at the latest mess on the 2G spectrum front in the form of the Prime Minister's Office supplying a sensitive note to a request under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. The widely-held view locates the root of this mess in rivalry between finance minister Pranab Mukherjee and home minister P Chidambaram, stemming from presumed prime ministerial ambitions when Dr Manmohan Singh faces serial...
More »Jawans deployed against Naxals revolt by Sujay Khanra & Falguni Banerjee
Nearly 166 jawans of the Indian Reserve Battalion rebelled in Jangalmahal on Wednesday, alleging they were being made to work in inhuman conditions and are getting no help from the police in high-risk operations. The flashpoint of the rebellion was in Silda, where Maoists had massacred 24 EFR jawans in February 2010. Three other critically located IRB camps - Salboni, Barikul and Ranibandh - are affected. As news of the revolt...
More »West Bengal finalizes new land policy by Romita Datta
West Bengal on Wednesday finalized a new land policy under which it will seize industrial land not used for five years. If the land had been acquired from farmers, the government will redistribute it among original owners, the new policy says, expanding the scope for returning farm land taken over for industrial use. Though cleared by the state cabinet on Wednesday, the new land policy wasn’t formally announced in view of two...
More »Do not dilute the Bill
-The Hindu The draft Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill 2011 circulated two months ago for public comments was a significant step forward but the amended version tabled in Parliament recently is two steps back. A thorough overhaul of the archaic Land Acquisition Act was overdue. To his credit, Jairam Ramesh, Cabinet Minister for Rural Development, proposed a new bill with progressive changes and put it up for public consultation. The...
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