-The Hindu Over 260 houses torched, police Arrest 90 persons Three colonies of Dalits (of the Adi-Dravida community) near Naikkankottai in Dharmapuri district of western Tamil Nadu remained benumbed on Thursday by the fury unleashed on them by a rampaging mob of caste Hindus on Wednesday. As many as 268 dwellings – huts, tiled-roof and one or two-room concrete houses–were torched by the mob after a caste Hindu man, Nagarajan, committed suicide over...
Cops always side with rapists: Karnataka HC
-The Times of India BANGALORE: "Until it happens to their families, they can't understand," the Karnataka High Court said on Wednesday about police attitude towards rape victims and their families. It asked police to file a status report on the recent rape cases in Bangalore. "I never understand why the police always take the side of villains. Whether it is Haryana or Karnataka, it is the same. No sympathy over the plight...
More »Brinda Criticises Activist Dayamani's Arrest
-Outlook CPI(M) politburo member Brinda Karat today criticised the Arrest of anti-land acquisition activist Dayamani Barla and termed it as "improper". "The Arrest of Dayamani Barla, who has been supporting the villagers of Nagri against acquisition of land, on the ground of violating law is improper," Brinda said, addressing a rally organised by the Adivasi Adhikar Rastriya Manch here. Karat lauded Barla for backing the villagers of Nagri in their protest against land...
More »'Irom Sharmila feels fasting is what she is meant to do in life'
-Rediff.com Today, Irom Sharmila, the Manipur civil rights activist, marks 12 years of her fast in protest against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in the state. She remains in judicial custody where she continues to be force-fed through her nose. Deepti Priya Mehrotra, author of Burning Bright: Irom Sharmila and the Struggle for Peace in Manipur, recalls her association with the Iron Lady of Manipur. I met her initially in October 2006...
More »Khemka Slams Haryana Govt for Setting Up Committee
-Outlook Locking horns with the Haryana government, senior IAS officer Ashok Khemka today said there was no need to set up a committee after he cancelled the sale of over three acres of land to realty major DLF following a deal with businessman Robert Vadra. Khemka, who kicked up a political storm three weeks ago alleging irregularities in Vadra-DLF land deals, also said there was no need of security that was provided...
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