-The Hindu NBSA issues new guidelines after Delhi gang rape and murder case While news channels have been reminded to conceal the identity of victims of sexual assault, the industry regulator also advocated a “balance” between the survivor’s right to privacy and public interest in media coverage of such cases. A fresh set of “Guidelines on reportage of cases of sexual assault” was issued by the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) on Monday,...
The West too has a ‘rape culture’-Thomas Sajan and Titto Idicula
-The Hindu Business Line Indian society is yet to acknowledge the existence of rape culture – a set of beliefs that condones aggression on women. Perhaps no other event in India has received more international attention in the recent past than the brutal gang rape in Delhi and its tragic aftermath. The issue is widely covered in the Western media; the latest addition is the channel interview of the rape victim’s male...
More »Needed, urgent electoral reforms -Navin Chawla
-The Hindu When a political party puts up candidates with criminal charges, it results in the alienation of large sections of people from the political class and politics itself When the Election Commission of India turned 60 on January 25, 2010, The Hindu opened its lead editorial of January 29 with the words, “After overseeing 15 General Elections to the Lok Sabha, the ECI, in its diamond jubilee year, can with justifiable...
More »No candlelight protest for Lalli Devi -Badri Narayan
-The Hindu While voices were rasied against the brutal gang-rape of the 23 year-old woman who tragically died on Saturday, what about the daily occurrences of rape and assault in the lives of Dalit women? Who will listen to the voices of the margins? Margins mean those who are not in the capital, those who are not part of the urban middle-class, and those who are not in the gaze of the...
More »The fax-email democratic republic -Garga Chatterjee
-DNA The notice has been served to ‘the people’. The Justice Verma Committee, set up to review the present criminal laws relating to safety and security with an eye to amend them, has asked ‘all members of the public’ among others to respond with ideas, knowledge and experience, to assist the committee in reaching its objective. The notice has been published in many newspapers. This mode of public consultation is not new....
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