Tamil Nadu has become the second largest state after Andhra Pradesh in the self-help group (SHG)-bank linkage programme launched by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard). In the state, 209,197 SHGs were credit linked with a financial assistance of Rs 2,791.65 crore in 2009-10, taking the cumulative number of SHGs credit linked to 852,791 (including repeat doses) with a bank loan of Rs 9,394.70 crore. Nabard said that a...
Cautious hope by Neeraj Hatekar
The economy shows consistent signs of growth. The challenge in the new year is to make development more equitable and broad-based… 2010 was a year of relief that soon grew into despondency. We were relieved that India had pulled out of the deepest post-War recession relatively unscathed. The soundness of its cautious macro-economic management was underlined once again and the US economy is also looking like getting slowly back on...
More »Maharashtra sugar co-ops may have to pay Rs 2,500-cr tax arrears by Sanjay Jog
Around 100 cooperative sugar mills in Maharashtra have lost one round of a battle on income tax (I-T) arrears dating back to 1992-93, with an appellate authority rejecting their argument on dues. If the decision, by the commissioner of income tax (appeals), is not appealed again, the mills may have to pay Rs 2,500 crore in arrears. Vijaysinh Mohite-Patil, chairman of the Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories in Maharashtra, told Business Standard:...
More »Central team to look at NREGA in Sonbhadra
A two-member Central team will be in Sonbhadra from January 4 to January 7 to look into the complaints of anomalies in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. The team will be headed by GS Sharma, consultant, MGNREGS, Ministry of Rural Development and will have NK Yadav, a national-level monitor for the ministry. “We have been asked to look into the implementation of MGNREGA in Sonbhadra and will...
More »NRHM: addressing the challenges by KS Jacob
NRHM needs to revitalise systems, monitor their functional performance and investigate their impact on the indices of health. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched in 2005 to bring about a dramatic improvement in the health system and health status of people in rural India. It seeks to provide universal access to health care, which is affordable, equitable, and of good quality. It aims at making architectural corrections to basic...
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