-The Indian Express The government had earlier formed a panel under former cabinet secretary T S R Subramanian on National Education Policy. Sources said inputs from the Subramanian panel report will be utilised for the final draft. The government has appointed a nine-member committee under space scientist Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan’s leadership to prepare the final draft for the New Education Policy (NEP). The panel, which has been asked to begin work immediately, includes...
Middle Earth Moguls -Pragya Singh
-Outlook Good monsoon or bad, glut or drought, boom or bust...it’s always fair weather for the range of middlemen who come between the farmer and consumer. An anatomy of the trade. One of the axioms of logic is called the Law of the Excluded Middle. Something has to be either true or false—there’s no middle ground. As we all know, economics works a bit differently. Facts can be fickle, data pliable, and...
More »100 days of Yogi: Adityanath falters on law and order promise in Uttar Pradesh as crime spikes -Prashant Jha and Rajesh Kumar Singh
-Hindustan Times But the Uttar Pradesh government isn’t panicking yet, and believes it can get things under control with tough measures, including encounters. Lucknow: A petrol pump owner looted; a trader murdered; jewellery shops robbed; a political leader killed; a constable shot; four members of a family -- including two girls -- hacked; a police sub-inspector beaten up; caste clashes erupt. Glance through local newspapers of Uttar Pradesh, and the headlines would be...
More »Developers in quandary as states not ready with Rera rules -Prabhakar Sinha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Real estate developers across the country are in a quandary as the Centre has stopped them from marketing ongoing projects yet to be registered with their respective state's real estate regulatory authority (Rera), and most State Governments are neither ready with rules under the new Act, nor have they created the authorities. In a written clarification to the National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO), the Union...
More »Crop insurance and the agrarian crisis in India -Sobhesh Kumar Agarwalla and Samir K Barua
-Livemint.com Crop insurance has failed to provide much-needed relief to farmers from destitution With one farmer committing suicide every half-an-hour, the number of farmers who have ended their lives as per official records in India is estimated at over 300,000 over the past two decades. These numbers do not include suicides by agricultural labourers, though they too are victims of the agrarian crisis. As each death affects at least the immediate family...
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