-The Hindu Business Line The National Health Protection Scheme is promising but sketchy The National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS), which promises to provide a cover of ?5 lakh each to 10 crore households (50 crore people, or about 40 per cent of the population), marks a big step forward to make secondary and tertiary healthcare affordable to the poor. The initiative is likely to reduce “catastrophic” out-of-pocket expenses, which are estimated to...
MGNREGA labourers face deletion of registration
-The Pioneer DALTONGANJ (Ranchi): Can name of registered MGNREGA labourer be deleted without his/her consent? MGNREG Act says no. However the scene is frequent at Manika and Barwadeeh blocks in Latehar district. Information suggests that as many as 152 deletions have taken place in Manika while 130 deletion in barwadeeh block which has caused non-payment of wages of these and several other MGNREGA labourers. These labouers claimed to have worked for six months...
More »Another Budget, Another Year of Ignoring Binding Laws on Rights -Nikhil Dey and Aruna Roy
-TheWire.in The making of the Union Budget has been a far too secretive and hidden exercise. Social sector expenditure and allocations related to policy announcements should be matters of open ongoing debate. On December 20, 2017, a group of 60 eminent economists sent an open letter to the finance minister stating: “We are writing to draw your attention to two urgent priorities for the forthcoming budget.” The first was to increase the central...
More »No Aadhaar card, no pension for those in UP's old age homes
-The Economic Times BAREILLY / MEERUT (U.P.): Many of us might think that our lives can continue as usual since there is more than a month left to link Aadhaar with various financial accounts and documents. But did you know that there has been an increasing number of cases were people have been denied basic benefits because they do not have the 12-digit unique identity number. In a recent episode, according...
More »Uttar Pradesh's Hot Potato: Another Farm Crisis Ignored -Kabir Agarwal
-TheWire.in Despite knowing the problem, both the state and central governments have failed to address the crisis that UP’s potato farmers are facing. Devi Singh (46) grows potatoes in the rabi season in Saras, a village of 1,200 people in Mathura, part of Uttar Pradesh’s potato belt. In 2017, he suffered massive losses as the price of potatoes in the wholesale market fell well below the cost of production. Last Thursday, he...
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