Total Matching Records found : 2492

The Public Education System and What the Costs Imply -Kiran Bhatty, Anuradha De, and Rathin Roy

-Economic and Political Weekly There are basic methodological and conceptual problems with recent research that ends up arguing that private school education is more effective than public education. Such findings have obvious policy implications but it is critical that research that informs policy is based on a correct reading of facts, keeping the larger vision of education in mind. Recent research into the cost effectiveness of public education vis-à-vis private education concludes...

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Govt to sell on priority 27 million tonnes of wheat procured this year

-PTI NEW DELHI: The government will on priority distribute nearly 27 million tonnes of wheat it procured this year under the relaxed quality norms through Ration shops, welfare schemes and open market sales. The Food CorpoRation of India (FCI) procured 28.08 million tonnes of wheat this year, of which 26.62 million tonnes was purchased under the relaxed quality norms because the crop got damaged due to unseasonal rains early this year. FCI generally...

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Food subsidies still haunt India at WTO -Uttam Gupta

-The Hindu Business Line But they needn’t, if India sticks to the view that the benchmark price for measuring extent of support is too low and outdated India is concerned over the delay in reaching a ‘permanent solution’ to the problem of dealing with food procurement subsidies. The WTO members are thrashing out a work programme for the 10th Ministerial to be held in Nairobi this December. Under Agreement on Agriculture (AoA), developing...

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Food Security Act starved for growth, functional in just 7 states -Zia Haq

-Hindustan Times Two years after its unanimous passage, the landmark National Food Security Act, which guarantees cheap foodgrains to two-thirds of Indians, remains largely unimplemented, research by the Hindustan Times shows. Only seven states have implemented its core provisions fully (see graphic). Five others have partially executed it, while the NDA government has stalled its rollout in the remaining states, extending the deadline for implementation thrice so far. Another extension looks likely...

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Monsoons and markets -Ashok Gulati

-The Indian Express These are the root causes of agricultural distress. Farmers need better irrigation and access to markets. Speaking at the foundation day celebRations of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) on July 12, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that there were reasons to smile on the economic front as India remains a bright spot, despite the global slowdown. He talked about the 7-8 per cent...

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