-PTI The retail price of onion in Delhi ranges between Rs 30 and 40 per kg. The government on Friday said it will sell onion, pulses and edible oil in the open market from its buffer stocks and take immediate action against hoarders creating artificial shortages. The retail price of onion in Delhi ranges between Rs 30 and 40 per kg. The wholesale price in the benchmark Lasalgaon mandi in Maharashtra was recorded...
Economic slump: Modi govt re-arranging furniture when house is on fire -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Measures announced by the finance minister are mere concessions to industry lobbies and stock market, and don’t address lack of demand. The raft of measures announced by India’s finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman for supposedly boosting a sinking economy are unlikely to rescue flagging economic growth and don’t even address the key problems of lack of purchasing power with the people and raging unemployment. It’s rearranging the furniture when the house is...
More »IAS officer Kannan Gopinathan resigns over 'lack of freedom of expression' -SR Praveen
-The Hindu “We got into the service thinking that we can provide voice to people, but then we ended up with our own voice being taken away from us,” said the Kerala-born IAS officer THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: IAS officer Kannan Gopinathan from the AGMUT cadre, who came into the limelight for his anonymous participation in the flood relief efforts in Kerala last year, has resigned from service. The officer, who has been serving as...
More »Population scare: What Modi said, what numbers say -Vishal Narayan
-The Telegraph Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech linked the decision to have small families to patriotism New Delhi: Narendra Modi's mention of "reckless population explosion" in his Independence Day address has led to speculation that the government may now want to bring a law on population regulation. “Population explosion has been occurring at an unrestrained pace. This population explosion is creating innumerable challenges for us and the coming...
More »Under Ayushman Bharat, hospitals use bizarre ways to siphon off funds -Ishita Mishra
-The Economic Times Private hospitals have been accused of siphoning almost Rs 1.20 crore in just a few months. About a year after introduction of the Ayushman Bharat scheme — the Union government’s programme for providing health protection cover to around 10 crore vulnerable families — truant doctors and hospitals in the tiny Himalayan state of Uttarakhand have come up with some of the most innovative ways of scamming the ambitious plan...
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