-The Telegraph India on Thursday recorded more than 379,000 new infections and 3,645 deaths, raising the total of active case to more than 3 million India’s research community on Thursday asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to release data on the patterns and severity of the COVID-19 infections amid concerns that the Centre had withheld information that could guide effective responses to the epidemic. A group of over 200 scientists and medical researchers, in...
Migrant disinterest builds case for broader NREGA: Study -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph Published by the University of Bonn in Germany, the findings are significant at a time workers have again begun returning home amid a COVID resurgence in India The rural job guarantee scheme and the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Yojana provided work to less than eight per cent of the migrant workers who had returned home after last year’s lockdown, a study has found. It has argued that the highly skilled returned migrants...
More »After Court's "Booked For Murder" Remark, Election Commission Pushes Back -Arvind Gunasekar
-NDTV.com The Election Commission said it is aggrieved with media report of the Madras High Court's oral observations that it is "singularly responsible for the situation prevalent today" and that the Election Commission should face murder charges. New Delhi: The Election Commission today requested the Madras High Court to restrain the media from reporting on oral observations, days after the court's sharp remarks on "murder charges" on officials of the election body...
More »PM-Kisan first installment late; COVID blamed -Harikishan Sharma and Parthasarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express The first installment is due between April 1 and July 31. Last year, most beneficiaries received the money in their bank accounts between March 24 and April 20. This year, as April ends, no farm households has received any money. Pune: Amid the surge in COVID-19 cases, the wait of over 9 crore farmer families for the first installment of their PM-Kisan payout for the financial year 2021-22, is...
More »Citizens Are Plugging India’s Gaping, Governance Gaps In COVID Care -Salik Ahmad
-Article-14.com As India faces a catastrophic second wave and the government is largely prominent by its absence, thousands of ordinary citizens are stepping up to help with information, oxygen, hospital beds, crematoria and even performing last rites, regardless of religion. New Delhi: Ifrah Fatima, 26, an MBBS graduate in Hyderabad was “doomscrolling Twitter” on 18 April, feeling “utterly helpless” about India’s COVID-19 emergency, when an idea struck her. She posted on Instagram,...
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