-The Hindu Camp after camp has been forced to disappear in Muzaffarnagar by the official authorities. The people displaced by the communal riots are now in small shanty settlements, 10 tents here, another 10 tents half a kilometre down the road On December 26, 2013, a large group of visitors entered the Loi relief camp in Muzaffarnagar district, Uttar Pradesh. Loi camp - a festering sea of displaced and despairing humanity, with...
Gujarat's maternal health scheme is a failure: Study -Padmaparna Ghosh
-The Times of India Gujarat's much-touted Chiranjeevi Yojana, launched in 2006 to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in BPL households, has not had any significant impact, says a new study by Duke University. The programme, which subsidizes the cost of delivery at designated private sector hospitals, has not led to increased probability of institutional child-delivery. Also, analyses of household expenditure of women who used the subsidized delivery scheme in private hospitals...
More »27% UP kids are malnourished
-The Asian Age Lucknow: The Akhilesh government's assurances of proper nutrition for children seems to be proving hollow with more than 24 per cent of the school-going children found to be malnourished and 17 per cent found to be anaemic. These facts emerged at a state-level orientation programme on Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) organised by the department of health. Principal health secretary, Pravir Kumar, said that this was based on the data...
More »Latest survey shows a marginal improvement in health indicators-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu The latest round of Annual Health Survey (AHS) has shown only marginal improvement in health indicators in the worst performing districts of the country. Bihar continues to have the highest percentage of girls marrying before completing 18. While the percentage during the baseline survey (2008-2010) was 20.2 per cent, it has now come down to 16.5 per cent. In Rajasthan the percentage has come down to 16.3 from 21.9. The...
More »Unlearning undemocratic values-Sukhadeo Thorat
-The Hindu India's long-standing legacies of caste, gender and class antagonism replicate on campuses as well. As higher education moves forward, it does so on these social cleavages The brutal sexual attack on a young woman in Delhi, in 2012, and a savage attack on a girl student of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on its campus this year are just two examples of extreme violence that have shocked the nation. Acts of...
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