-TheWire.in Uttar Pradesh has seen 8,742 encounters ever since the BJP CM took over. New Delhi: Since Bharatiya Janata Party’s Adityanath came to power in March 2017, Uttar Pradesh Police has injured at least 3,302 alleged criminals in 8,742 ‘encounters’, leaving several of them with bullet wounds on their legs and bringing to unofficial use the term “operation langda” (lame), the Indian Express has reported. The number of deaths in this time frame...
India Can't Keep Citing the Pandemic to Deprive Children of Education -Ritambhara Singh and Mihir Rajamane
-TheWire.in It has already been a year and a half since the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education. It is high time that governments come up with innovative solutions to deal with the emerging situation. July 31, 2021 marked the first anniversary of the National Education Policy 2020. This year also marks the 11th anniversary of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education, 2009 (‘RTE Act’) coming into force. However, the...
More »Official data corroborates deepening of livelihood crisis in urban areas during the 2020 nationwide lockdown
The recently released quarterly Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) data broadly confirms the dip in employment and jobs during the countrywide lockdown period, followed by a certain degree of recovery in the post-lockdown months last year as have been indicated by various survey-based studies and research papers. The quarterly bulletin on PLFS provides data on key employment and unemployment indicators i.e. Unemployment Rate (UR), Worker Population Ratio (WPR) and Labour...
More »The shaky foundation of the labour law reforms -KR Shyam Sundar
-The Hindu It could be a long wait before employers and workers enjoy the so-called benefits extended by the labour codes The National Democratic Alliance government enacted the Code on Wages in August 2019 and the other three Codes, viz., the Industrial Relations Code, the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code and Code on Social Security (CSS) in September 2020. Later, it had framed the draft rules albeit incompletely under all...
More »New-age check dams built under MGNREGA cost less, give more -Rishikesh Bahadur Desai
-The Hindu The project is unique because the design consumes less concrete and the dams last longer than traditional stone masonry ones BELAGAVI: The State Government is promoting construction of new generation check dams across natural streams, rivulets and other waterbodies under the MGNREGA programme. Over 5,000 multiple arch buttress check dams (MACD) have come up under MGNREGA, 1,820 in the last two years. The project is unique because the design consumes less...
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