-The Telegraph Panel blames speeches by BJP leaders The Delhi Minorities Commission has accused Union home minister Amit Shah, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath and other BJP politicians of “fanning communal sentiments” through incendiary speeches before the February riots in the capital. It has also alleged that “police were complicit and abetted the attacks” during the riots, which killed 53 people, and arrested victims rather than the people they accused. One of the key...
Punjab to recover Rs 223.75 cr from 7 private sugar mills -Ruchika M Khanna and Rajmeet Singh
-The Tribune Subsidy given even when sugar rates soared after fall in 2015 Chandigarh: The Punjab Government today decided to recover Rs 223.75 crore from seven private sugar mills, most of them owned by politicians. This recovery is to be made as land revenue arrears for the largesse extended to them by the previous SAD-BJP government. A subsidy of Rs 50 per quintal on the State Advised Price (SAP) of Rs 280-Rs 295...
More »BJP Blocks Parliament Panel Review Of PM CARES Fund, Coronavirus Response -Sunil Prabhu
-NDTV The chairman of the committee, Adhir Chowdhary, who is also the leader of the Congress party in the Lok Sabha, appealed to members to think of the nation and act with their conscience and find a consensus on the important subject. New Delhi: The Public Accounts Committee or PAC, one of the most important parliamentary panels which scrutinises key reports by the auditor general and has taken up issues like the...
More »Can MGNREGA be a tool for post-COVID-19 rural recovery -Shilp Verma
-Down to Earth Agriculture is the least-affected sector of the economy. It is poised to gain and lead economy’s revival process ‘Year of COVID-19’— this is how 2020 is probably going to be remembered. It has been more than six months that the novel coronavirus disease has been dominating public discourse, news cycles, internet searches and even geopolitics. As on July 8, 2020, India had more than 0.7 million cases. It was among...
More »The pandemic is about eyes shut -Rajendran Narayanan
-The Hindu There is a resonance between Saramago’s literary world and the migrant labour distress in contemporary India The novel, Blindness, by Portuguese Nobel Laureate José Saramago, is strikingly prescient about a sweeping illness. The plot revolves around a mysterious epidemic because of which people suddenly turn blind. The thread It starts with a person driving his car who turns blind while waiting at a traffic signal. He pleads to be taken home and...
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