The deputy director of the education department, Anil Powar, has in a statement to the Panaji police said that rice and wheat allotted on a monthly basis to self help groups under the midday meal scheme can't be sold in the open market, police sources said. The police recorded Powar's statement after a diary seized from Devendra Shinde-accused of selling rice from fair price shops in the open market-revealed that he...
Pump up more iron in your mid-day meal scheme: NRHM by Rashmi Belur
The public instructions department has finally found a solution to address the increasing number of anaemic children in primary schools. Following directions of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), officials of the mid-day meal programme are considering increasing the dosage of iron tablets provided for children at schools. A NRHM official said: “We had directed the mid-day meal officials to take appropriate measures to overcome anaemic problems amongst students. We also...
More »Key govt plans falter owing to shortage of manpower by Subodh Varma
Four mega-programmes of the government, meant to tackle big-ticket issues like child nutrition, school education, health and employment, appear to be faltering not because funds are short but because adequate manpower has not been put in place. This is the surprising finding of a new study done by the Center for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), a New Delhi based think tank. The four mega-programs are Integrated Child Development Services...
More »Kolkata Declaration calls for publicly provided health care for all
Outcome of the Kolkata Group Workshop held on February 18 and 19, 2011 At the ninth Kolkata Group workshop, chaired by Professor Amartya Sen, 45 participants from different walks of life, including social scientists, policy makers and development experts, convened to assess the dimensions of social equity in India, especially as related to poverty, elementary education, and health. The participants assessed that the benefits of economic growth over the past two decades,...
More »Sen push for right to health
Amartya Sen today said primary healthcare should be more accessible to people and sought the public sector’s support in healthcare. “I strongly say yes to right to health,” the Noble laureate said after formally announcing the launch of Pratichi (India) Institute in Salt Lake. The economist, who has been conducting research and development work in the fields of education, health and gender equality for the past 10 years, said Pratichi Trust, which...
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