-The Hindu Chennai: In a fresh bid to widen access to low-cost quality food, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has ordered opening of 360 more "Amma Unavagams," the popular eateries, across Tamil Nadu. Among them 200 eateries would be set up in the Chennai Corporation limits. With this, the State would soon have 654 such canteens serving quality food at affordable rates. In expanding this welfare scheme which benefits the poor, daily wage earners,...
Lokniti - Programme for Comparative Democracy was established in 1997 as a research programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), New Delhi. The CSDS is an autonomous social science research institution. Since the inception of the CSDS in 1963, the writings of scholars like Rajni Kothari, D.L. Sheth and Ashis Nandy have become a point of reference for various attempts from the South to question the...
More »Where saris guard the fields-T Appala Naidu
-The Hindu PILARICHETTIPALEM (KRISHNA): A group of women farmers recycle their used clothing to raise a fence surrounding their small farm holdings. A senior NABARD official suggested use of an iron sheet fan to drive away the birds attracted to the flower and other varieties of vegetables. It was necessity that drove women in Pilarichettipalem village near Machilipatnam in Krishna district towards innovation. In a novel way, they transform the sarees they...
More »Avoiding doctor-centric health solutions-Sujatha Rao
-The Hindu It is creditable that Narendra Modi seeks inspiration for his growth model from China and Japan rather than the U.S., which is a high-cost, specialist-driven model The old adage ‘health is wealth' was given legitimacy by no less a personage than Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who in 2000, chaired the World Health Organization's Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH). The CMH report brought forth indisputable evidence of the link between health,...
More »UNICEF India
UNICEF is fully committed to working with the Government of India to ensure that each child born in this vast and complex country gets the best start in life, thrives and develops to his or her full potential. The organisation uses quality research and data to understand issues, implements new and innovative interventions that address the situation of children, and works with partners and a network of its 13 state...
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