-The Indian Express The Congress has now demanded a CBI inquiry into all ration cards made in Chhattisgarh in the past six-seven years. The BPL ration cards which were made in large numbers in Chhattisgarh before the 2013 assembly elections, as reported by The Indian Express on Friday, was an exact repetition of the developments ahead of the 2008 polls. If it was the Food Security Act in the 2013 elections, in...
Centre moves to revamp MGNREGA, check corruption
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In its first step towards restructuring MGNREGA, the government on Wednesday announced that the material-labour expenditure ratio in the scheme would be changed from 60:40% to 49:51%. This is in keeping with government's focus on asset creation along with job opportunities in the scheme. The government is also planning to monitor the work under the scheme through the use of space technology and provide wages...
More »Investing in health through hygiene -Arvind Virmani
-The Hindu An improvement in sanitation and cleanliness will eliminate much of the difference in malnutrition between India and the rest of the world, and across Indian States Historically the greatest advances in longevity and mortality reduction have come not from treatment of individual disease but from public health. This includes modern drainage and sewerage systems (sewage treatment plants), drinking water systems that produce and deliver disease-free water and solid waste disposal...
More »After 2015
-The Business Standard Start thinking of new development indicators The annual Human Development Report, or HDR, has recorded with depressing regularity India's mediocre performance in seeking to improve the overall well-being of its people. The latest one, for 2014, is no exception. In the last five years (2008-13), India's performance on improving its Human Development Index (HDI) has been poorer than most of its peers in South Asia, and among Brazil, Russia,...
More »India’s neighbours fare better on key human development indicators -Ajai Sreevatsan
-The Hindu India also has the worst gender inequality in the region In the two decades since the early 1990s when India liberalised its economy, countries like Nepal and Bangladesh have improved their human development indicators at a faster clip than India. Though India ranks marginally higher than many of its South Asian neighbours in the 2014 UNDP Human Development Report released on Thursday, the country has fallen behind most of its immediate...
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