-The Financial Express The BJP's resounding Lok Sabha victory after years of policy paralysis raised a widely-shared hope that the government, led by PM Narendra Modi, will put India back on track by resuming inclusive growth. And that agriculture and rural development would be at the centre of the agenda. Half the employment still comes from agriculture, though it contributes just 14% to the GDP. India contains the largest number of...
Patients looking for quick fixes, chemists & quacks spur antibiotics resistance -Roli Srivastava
-The Times of India PUNE: Family physician Dr Kumar Mandhare has been practising for 27 years in Koregaon Park in Pune, treating a wide variety of patients. Over the last few years, however, he has observed a new set of patients - on whom once-effective antibiotics drugs don't work. He pegs their number at 30 to 40% of the patients he gets, usually people who have found a quick fix solution to...
More »Free speech Ver.2.0 -Lawrence Liang
-The Hindu With its judgment to strike down a legal provision for violating freedom of speech, the Supreme Court has paved the way for thoughtful jurisprudence in the age of the Internet While describing Sec.124A of the IPC (sedition) as the "prince among the political sections designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen", Mahatma Gandhi offered us an ironic way of thinking about liberty-curbing laws through the metaphor of illegal tyrants....
More »Girl who saved free speech -R Balaji
-The Telegraph Shreya Singhal has helped undo what the UPA, the NDA and Mamata Banerjee had done to free speech. Shreya, the girl who once woke up with consternation to news that two girls in Maharashtra had been booked for a Facebook post, was the first petitioner who approached the Supreme Court against Section 66A, which was struck down today. Section 66A of the Information Technology Act has been the favourite tool...
More »Farmers' Rights to Seeds Issues in the Indian Law -Parameswaran Prajeesh
-Economic and Political Weekly While the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act 2001 is a progressive piece of legislation that recognises farmers' rights to seed, it demands payment of an annual maintenance fee by the farmers to protect the varieties which they have been cultivating and conserving for years, only because these varieties have been brought under legal protection through national legislation. Parameswaran Prajeesh (prajeesh@mssrf.res.in) is a researcher with the...
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