The Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik in the Orissa Secretariat on Thursday has reviewed the progress of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREG )through Video Conference.The Chief Minister has directed the Collectors to emphasise on the Horticulture and development of the beneficiaries of the Forest Right . The Chief Minister also stressed to speed up Mo Pokhari Scheme. The Chief Minister instructed the Collectors for sitting of the...
Haryana extends job guarantee scheme to farmers
he Haryana government has decided to extend the benefit of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) to small and marginal farmers in the state, an official said Tuesday.Small and marginal farmers will now be allowed to be engaged for labour work in the state for various development schemes in their respective areas, said Atmaram Godhara, deputy director in the agriculture department.'Besides providing free work like land levelling,...
More »Emerging economies have the worst records of underage workers
The Child Labour Index and map, produced by global risks advisory firm Maplecroft, rates 68 countries as ‘extreme risk’ with Bangladesh, China, India, Nigeria and Pakistan amongst those with the most widespread abuses of child workers.According to the ILO, there are 215 million children working throughout the world, many full-time. Of these, 115 million are exposed to hazardous forms of child labour. The index evaluates 196 countries on the prevalence,...
More »Panel proposes UID-linked direct subsidy by Utpal Bhaskar
The government is planning a complete overhaul of the way the power sector is financed and subsidies are delivered, attempting to address a funding shortfall delaying the construction of electricity projects and worsening a chronic power deficit that threatens to sap growth in India’s energy-hungry economy.This exercise is based on a report submitted by a panel headed by Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of the Planning Commission, to the power...
More »Government jobs elude persons with disabilities
Though persons with disabilities are entitled to at least 3 per cent jobs in the government sector, they account for barely 3,650 of the estimated 5.25 lakh State government employees. Nearly 15 years after Parliament passed the Persons with Disabilities Act (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) providing 3 per cent reservation in jobs, persons with disabilities continue to struggle for their rights and livelihood. Posts not identified “A majority of...
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