-The Indian Express Radio presenters employed with a Prasar Bharati-run channel have alleged sexual harassment at workplace. The All India Radio Broadcasting Professionals Association (AIRBPA) on Monday filed a complaint with the Delhi Commission for Women stating they were facing sexual harassment at AIR FM Gold radio station. The AIRBPA plans to file a similar complaint with the National Commission for Women (NCW). Further, they said the government body does not have...
Taskforce appointed to amend Universal Pension norms
-The Business Standard Team set up after movement began under Aruna roy, activist Baba Adhav 2 years ago demanding universal pension as a right for all A task force set up by the Government to look into reforms in pension for the unorganised sector has recommended universal pension for those below the poverty line, and a target of covering them in the next five years. It also recommended a slight increase in pensions...
More »Survey: many corporates hiked budget for safety of women staff
-The Hindu Bangalore: Many corporates have responded positively to the government’s advice to increase their overall budget by 65 per cent for safety and security, especially of women, revealed a survey undertaken by ASSOCHAM Social Development Foundation (ASDF). According to the findings of the survey on ‘Women Safety and Security Budgets for 2013-14’, some corporates have hiked their budget by 65 per cent while others are in the process of doing it. The...
More »US to give 'Women of Courage Award' to Delhi gangrape victim
-PTI Washington: United States has selected the 23-year-old Delhi gangrape victim for the International Women of Courage Award. The award would be presented posthumously by the First Lady Michelle Obama and the Secretary of State John Kerry, on March 8, an official announcement said yesterday. "For millions of Indian women, her personal ordeal, perseverance to fight for justice, and her family's continued bravery is helping to lift the stigma and vulnerability that drive...
More »Tamil Nadu NGOs list dead, draw funds to control AIDS -Pushpa Narayan
-The Times of India CHENNAI: At least 100 sex workers who died more than two years ago continued to be listed by non-governmental organizations as beneficiaries of Tamil Nadu government's AIDS control programmes. A report compiled by Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society (Tansacs) in November 2012 showed that several NGOs working with high-risk populations were fudging documents and names. Many sex workers were on the list for more than 15 years,...
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